AERO Learning Partner Project

Guardian Angels has been fortunate enough to be a part of AERO (Australian Education Research Organisation) Learning Partner Project.   

We were one of only three BCE schools selected to participate in this project. Our nomination by BCE was based on the strong alignment between our Explicit Improvement Agenda (EIA), that focuses on evidence-based practices in writing, and the core objectives of the project, that aim to enhance the implementation of evidence-based teaching practice.  

The learning partner project focuses on how we can make evidence ‘stick’ in schools and support teachers to further develop their skills in explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is an evidence-based teaching approach that involves clearly and directly teaching new concepts and skills to students.

Throughout the year our AERO Partner, Dylan Evans, has been on site facilitating professional learning, engaging in modelling and guided practice sessions and coaching in our year 3 learning spaces. The project included a sequence of professional learning for our Prep – Year 6 teachers, with the teaching team in Years 3 attending several workshops outside of this time for specific PD and sharing of key project elements. 

Our year 3 teachers worked closely with Dylan through the teaching functions of explicit instruction. It has been exciting visiting these learning spaces and seeing the children responding so positively and confidently to their learning in this space. 
